Sunday, October 25, 2009

epiphany english 10/28

Life is composed of bruises, scrapes, happiness, and sadness. it’s a thing full of ups and downs, where as humans, we sometimes need drastic change to alter our perception, of this world. In the dictionary, it states that and epiphany is usually symbolical, such a moment of revelation and insight. I strongly believe, that epiphanies are what gives the average life meaning and allows it to function. There are many aspects of today’s life, that it’s easy to stray off of what is important. Not to long ago I was forced to encounter my own epiphany, one that made me realized what was important to me and what I could do without; seeing as it’s important to surround yourself with people who will help you accomplish your dream. I was unfortunate enough to discover that I had surrounded myself with self interested people that truly didn‘t reflect the meaning of friendship.
in the early years, of being a teenager, being alone is the least desirable thing. Especially when I believed I had the best group of friends, a group of five girls. All five us were like a force no one had seen, each contributing in our own ways. We had so many personalities that it was hard to believe we all functioned as well as we did. But there was only a matter of time before things began to malfunction. Being young teenage girls, we were not accustomed to walking away from a dispute among us, and when it happened we all ran to take sides. Unfortunately, I was a one man team. I had done the worse, I had gone against the code and upset one of the girls. But, unlike most things that can damage a friendship this was one of those insignificant actions that holds greater meaning then actually standing behind a guy. Though, what actually happened to trigger this long line of betrayals is still a mystery to me. But, what I am aware of was the lonely feeling that arose from the pit of my stomach and left me feeling alone. Not only did I receiver a stab in the back from the girl I had “offended” but from the rest of the group.
When the people i spent the last three years with suddenly walk out of my life, there are not true words to describe the bewildered feeling that forms. My stubborn nature did not contribute to the solution of this problem. It just led it to a point to no return, one in which an apology just wouldn’t fill the torment. One in which girls that knew my most intimate feelings began sharing them with the world, while I stood back with no defense. I was shocked, not by the behaviors of some of these girls, for their nature could be seen through their parents, but by one particular girl. She was my best friend, the girl that I spend my days and nights with. I was stunned by her decision to join the rest of the girls in their hatred towards me. I was thrown out without any hesitation; my role in the group was no longer a need. But, it took one day for me to grasp the reality of the situation and reevaluate my options. I could either a. sit there and hope they wanted me back, b. I could beg for their forgiveness, or c. I could move on in hopes of better friends. I knew even then that I would never force myself to beg for someone’s forgiveness that they didn’t deserve; I never wanted to be friends with girls that believed friends and or people to be disposable. I was my own strong willed person. I, too, could hold my head high and move on.
Its when we are at our lowest points in which amazing things can happen. When we least expect it, we make the most of it. I was alone, and trying to prove to these girls that I didn’t care that they were popular; popularity did not make the world move. I didn’t need the “cool” kids to make myself worth something. The moment I stood up with my bruise oozing was the moment I realized I was me, even without a group of friends. All I needed in life were the people willing to find it worth holding me up. My sister held my head and made sure this unfortunate collide, with these girls, hadn’t torn me apart. She held my hand and offered me a shoulder, because she was not willing to see me fall over something so middle school. Slowly, but surely, I realized that there were more people in this world then five selfish girls. I had people in other places, people I had not know could be so great until I was given the opportunity to open my eyes. After these girls attempted to tear me to pieces, these new people held me up, because even without years under our belts we were friends. A word that meant more to these new people, then it did to that group of girls. Kids, who I had know for years, but I hadn’t attached any significant were the kids that when I graduation I will he honored to have sitting next to me.
Everything happens for a reason, the universe lets it unfold. We are strong as humans we hold the power to mold anything into what we want it to be. When we begin to let society restrict us and do of us as we please we loose our strength and contribution to the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jennifer,

    So,this is really, really good. You have such insightful ideas that show your mature, thoughtful self. You have a few spelling errors that can be fixed with proof reading. Just proof read and make sure that everything is spelled correctly, capitalized and is smooth. Just read it over again.
