Monday, October 26, 2009

10/26 oppose and support of radification of constiution

after the American revolution in the late 18th century, the colonies entered a period of governmental reconstruction. the thirteen newly freed states had to individually agree upon entering into a union or breaking away and become their own nation. before long they entered into an alliance known as the Articles of Confederation, the states first constitution. But, because these new form of government was too weak, it could not form a stable nation. with the weakness of the articles becoming apparent a group of Federalists who supported a strong central government wrote The Constitution. this new system of government was received with a wide range of opinions, because it effected people’s rights, created a rift in the government and supported a strong central government. The Constitution was stronger than the Articles of Confederation, it allowed the country to take action and mobilize if necessary, it allowed government to levy taxes and make laws, it gave a place for people to be tried. most states had established their own set of state constitutions after the revolution . these rights were believed by many people during the revolution to be "unalienable." the British during their rule over the colonies had deprived them of their rights and the colonies started a revolution. States knew the importance of this rights, but the new proposed constitution failed to secure these rights. People did not want to accept a constitution that did not guarantee those rights. while the supporters of the constitution believed that these rights were implied and therefore did not need to be stated. but rights had been a powerful issue that even now ignited a fire over ratifying the constitution during this early period in American history there were two main political parties the federalists and the Democratic Republicans. Federalists were composed of the wealthy and educated men of the 18th century. they believed in a country run by the educated, while the Democratic- republicans were composed of the lower ranks; the more common people. they wanted to keep power local. the split between these two parties marked a split in states. people who followed the democratic-republicans had trouble accepting the constitution because they believed that those of higher rank benefited most from it. The disputed between the men in power lead the people to follow their party leaders.
Before the Constitution their had never before been a strong central government in American History. People feared that a strong central government would shift from their needs and focus of wealth. but supporters of a strong central government believed that having a republic guaranteed that the people were not forgotten. because King George had imposed taxes on the states, people feared that a strong government might follow his example and impose unreasonable taxes, forcing corruption into the newly developed government. a strong national government also meant trade could be restricted and directed. Shifting it in areas in which only the merchants gained.
The Constitution was ratified and put into effect in 1788, after it had been approved by the mandated 9/13 states. The fundamentals basis of our country is rooted back to this document. After a country has been forced to take numerous wounds from a dictating distant country, it is not an easy thing for its people to accept a new form of government lightly. But in the end the people will accept what is best for their country.

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