Tuesday, April 27, 2010

time measured in events

in the cagle.com website there are various cartoons analyzing or critiquing American society. the one i found most appeal had to do with graduate students standing in an unemployment line. it is outstanding that our financial crisis had such an impact on society that we, as society, can not find a place for our graduating students. these students have spent years studying to prepare themselves for a job that they can not have.

learn what should be met by every teacher teaching this course.

time is an abstract thing, and because of this, people find different ways of measure it. in the essay "the telephone," Anwar F. Accawi uses seasonal events to measure the passing of time. he emphasizes time and event with at use of repetition and imagery, also using long complex sentences to better relate to the reader. Accawi's conversational style allows for a more one to one bases not the traditional informative style. Accawi uses language in a clever way, with the intention to present his view in a different light.

Accawi paints picture for his reader. he uses descriptive language and eloquently describes the place or event. he says, "when i kissed her, it was like kissing a soft suede glove that had been soaked with swear and then left in a dark closet for a season." Accawi's depicts the event with unique wording. his descriptions are unlike most that a reader comes across, he leaves a sour taste with those lines.

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