Sunday, November 1, 2009

letter to the New york TImes

Angelina E. Grimke
Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1838


Dear Mr. Editor: I write to thee to express my opinions on thy moral rights of all men and women. The appropriate rights of women are the same of those of men as regards to moral beings. The moral nature effects all humans that are of moral beings, therefore all moral beings should be treated in the same equal manner. I write thee, to express my discontent for the way in which women are treated as slaves to men.

Women have forever been indebted to men, as slaves are to their owners. As I investigated the teaching of the Anti-Slavery cause, I have come to discover that I am no better off then a slave. For men’s belief in the superiority of physical strength surpasses that of women’s has led to there senseless and idiotic conclusion that they have the right to dominate our lives. The mere fact that a man has the ability into which he can perform daily tasks that require more strength then women does not give them the authority to control us. Women have always been given more domestic tasks. But because men’s labor demands more strength does not concluded that they should be given power over women. If we come to accept that because of this men have the authority and control, it is like submitting oneself into a monarchy, which we clearly know and history has replayed this event several times, has only led to the seizure of unalienable rights."

second half

"This restriction of duties based only on the circumstances of sex rather than the morals of a human is the cause of the evil that comes out of those opposed to christianity value of masculine and feminine virtues. Man is given superiority over women. He is seen as a protector and to be portrayed with sternest. Women have been placed as the subordinate. The woman has been taught to stand with her husband but not to be shown as a individual. She is to sit in good humor and show elegance. The woman is to be domestic like a slave. She has no independence except those given by the man. Her slave life needs to come to an end. Human morals need to become part of our lives otherwise we are no better than beast with slaves.

Therefore a beg you Mr. Editor to publish this letter to help men see the light and prevent any further men to women slavery. We cannot change the years of involuenteer slavery that has been imposed on women, of the past, but we can prevent it from further growing in our soils. As an American women I too deserve rights and a say. We, the women of your country are half the population, and without us you could not run properly. I take up this cause in hopes of making those moral being moral and just, I hope this has help persuade you
Thy friend,